Saturday, July 21, 2012

Beards for Breasts Photoshoot.

On July 19, 2012 bearded ladies were spotted at Liberty Park.    5 bearded men transformed into women.  This was all done for in the name of charity.   We also had a Strong Man and Carnival Barker.   

We had a few looks and some curious people came up and asked us what we were doing.  Colin Wolf from City Weekly was kind enough to come out and do a story.   Former MTV makeup artist and Mary Kay senior sales director  Pam Lancaster and Mary Kay rep Julee Butler both came out and offered their time and makeup.  Our Photographer Alicia Woodward also volunteered her skills.

Storm clouds were threatening to rain us out but only provided a few drops.   The park was quiet for the most part and the carnival rides had shut down for the night.   It was now time for the sideshow to begin. 

Boob Grab

Charliest Chaplin

Nate arriving in a dress.  

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